“So much time” is the second solo album by Francesca Naibo. It’s a work about time, developed after the years of the pandemic emergency. The album is made of pieces where three voices are in dialogue: Naibo’s childhood voice, Naibo’s adulthood voice and the voice of her guitar.
Naibo explains:
“So much time is my second solo album and it comes two years after Namatoulee, released in 2020.
During these two years (two very particular years) I took time to reflect deeply on myself, on time and life and I decided to dedicate my album to this theme: time.
Distant time of faded memories that emerge from our minds, time running at different speeds, compressed and dilated time of our daily lives, time and its phases, layered time made of experiences and events..
This theme is made clear in the tracklist: every track has a subheading that specifies the type of time the track is dedicated to:
dilated time, distant time, fun time, compressed time, layered time, excited time, surreal time, wide time, circular time.
The idea for So much time started with a fundamental source I had kept with care for years in my bedroom: two audiocassettes I recorded with my sisters using a cheap recorder when we were kids. It’s such a precious treasure.
I entered in contact with myself of that time, with her carachter and sound quality. Then a dialogue began.
After a careful selection of the sonic material that I found interesting and fitting the project, I went to the studio and created conversations between my three voices: my child voice, my adult voice and my guitar.
So much time is a work about time. This theme is also expressed in the format chosen for the album: vinyl.
It’s a very symbolic object because of its shape and its circular movement that are so connected to the slow and continuous flow of time. It’s also an object I’ve never owned in my childhood and this creates a paradox: this vinyl will contain traces of my past on tape mixed to digital tracks recorded in the present, pressed on something that never existed in my past but that today has appeared in my hands..”
Francesca Naibo – guitar, effects, objects, tapes, voices
Record label:
Recorded, mixed and mastered by
Enrico Mangione and Luca Martegani
at Laboratorio di Sperimentazione Sonora Nitön
Artwork by Atharwa Deshingkar
Only available on Bandcamp at this link